Dobbs Vs Flanders

Check out Dobbs losing it when Laura tells him to stop using the word "aliens." It happens at the end of the clip...David Neiwart discu

Check out Dobbs losing it when Laura tells him to stop using the word "aliens." It happens at the end of the clip...David Neiwart discusses this clip at length.

LAURA FLANDERS, AIR AMERICA: I wanted to come back for a minute to the L.A. story, the last two stories. I think if Dr. King were alive today, he would be talking about what happened on L.A. on May 1st. When you talk about abuse, 240 rounds of rubber bullets and tear gas.

We've gone from legal punishment of illegal aliens to physical punishment, and it's not helped by language like yours, Lou, talking about these [marchers] as being illegal aliens...

DOBBS: Laura, Laura, Laura, that's ridiculous.

FLANDERS: They're not aliens, they're people. And the vast majority of people at these marches are utterly legal. They're not aliens, Lou. They're people, and you're dehumanizing them with that language.

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