Rep. Boehner Crying...

The party of war and manly men are now relegated to crying on the floor of Congress. [media id=1397] [media id=1398] Boehner: There are a lot of my

The party of war and manly men are now relegated to crying on the floor of Congress.

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Boehner: There are a lot of my colleagues have heard me make this statement that i didn't come here to be a Congressman. I came here to do something. And I think at the top of our list is providing for the safety and security of the american people. That's at the top of our list. After 3,000 of our fellow citizens died at the hands of these terrorists, when are we going to stand up and take them on?

Sorry buddy, it's hard to take you seriously when the water works come pouring out. He should be crying for the treatment of our soldiers and the innocent Iraqi people caught up in the Iraq debacle. And when did Iraq attack us? They are like children in a sandbox getting some dirt kicked in their eyes, Didn't he come to Congress to pass out Big Tobacco's checks?

Gergen: …He also has a reputation of being a little too close to lobbyists even though he’s against earmarks, he is the guy-he’s apologized for it now, but he’s the guy that was giving out tobacco checks at one point in the 1990’s on the floor of the House of Representatives.

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