Al-Qaida Does It, Too

The right wing noise machine is really digging deep to find some new form of---liberal media outrage to fawn over---and so we know have the "Al-Q

The right wing noise machine is really digging deep to find some new form of---liberal media outrage to fawn over---and so we know have the "Al-Qaida does it, too routine," when it comes to torture. James Tarnato from the WSJ let's his readers know that he's watching us.


The thought of replying to Taranto's "point" never even occurred to me. Taranto is baffled -- and thinks he has discovered a highly revealing disparity -- because it is news that the United States tortures people, whereas it is not news that Al Qaeda tortures people. What is there even to say about that? Why take up readers' time responding to an "argument" that, completely on its own, provokes equal amounts of disgust and scornful laughter?...read on

John Cole has the perfect response.

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