Chris Matthews: Fred Thompson Is The Aqua Velva Man

Tweety: Thompson is the Aqua Velva man


"Of smells and man-crushes,"---The special Republican candidate edition continues...This is not a joke...

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MATTHEWS: Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man‘s shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of—a little bit of cigar smoke? You know, whatever.

Glenn Greenwald explains...

I've written a fair amount recently about the media's obsession with the faux-masculinity of GOP candidates in general, and the tough-guy military persona of Fred Thompson in particular, and don't have all that much to add about that specific topic at the moment. Still, this dialogue last night about Fred Thompson from Chris Matthews -- who is really just the slightly less restrained id version of most media stars -- is simply too extraordinary not to on

Here's the full transcript:

MATTHEWS: Can I ask you a gender question, Ana Marie?

COX: You may.

MATTHEWS: Does he have sex appeal? I‘m looking at this guy and I‘m trying to find out the new order of things, and what works for women and what doesn‘t. Does this guy have some sort of thing going for him that I should notice?

COX: I can only speak for myself. I do not find him terribly attractive. Although, I do like the way he drinks his whiskey on “Law and Order.”

But I was going to say, actually—this is actually to the point—his support among voters is coming form men. He is not doing incredibly very well among registered voters who are women. I think that‘s really interesting. The other real base of his support so far has been the religious right, who clearly don‘t know a whole lot about him, because he has said some things that they are not going to like once it gets out.

MATTHEWS: Gene, do you think there‘s a sex appeal for this guy, this sort of mature, older man, you know? He looks sort of seasoned and in charge of himself. What is this appeal? Because I keep star quality. You were throwing the word out, shining star, Ana Marie, before I checked you on it.

Something is going on here when this is the new Robert Redford here.

I mean I just want to know—or whatever—what‘s his name? Matt Damon.

Go ahead

ROBINSON: Well, he has presence. I‘ll give you that, Chris. The rest of it, you and Ana Marie can decide, as to the sex appeal. You know, the numbers say he is more of a guy‘s candidate. He is doing well. Maybe he is a man‘s man. But, you know, it is interesting, what he said on Leno last night, which was essentially that he never really wanted to go after the presidency, but he kind of would like to have it.

MATTHEWS: Who wouldn‘t if it is offered to you? How many people get it offered to them.


MATTHEWS: Can you smell the English leather on this guy, the Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man‘s shaving cream, or whatever, you know, after he shaved? Do you smell that sort of—a little bit of cigar smoke? You know, whatever.

CONTINETTI: Thompson‘s a smooth character. He likes to smoke cigars. There‘s no question about that. People should ignore the “Tonight Show” interview.

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