Bush Vetos Stem Cell Bill: Video
Bush gave a speech about his veto of the bill for Stem Cell research bill. He had a cute photo-op staged to show the world that cures can come from
He falsely asked for Congress to stop politicizing Stem Cell research, but that's what he did today and took a ridiculous moral position. This is why we need separation of Church and State. Religion cannot dictate Science. Here's the role call of the vote...Update: Fact Check Bush on Stem Cell via The Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal. 68 percent support funding, in the latest ABC/Post poll to measure views on the issue, in April.
Hillary Clinton: "This is just one example of how the President puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families, just one more example of how out of touch with reality he and his party have become. And it's just one more example as to why we're going to send them packing in January 2009, and return progressive leadership to the White House."
Nancy Pelosi: “Once again, the President has ignored the will of the American people, of leading medical researchers, and of a bipartisan majority of the Congress. His cruel veto says ‘no’ to the hopes of million of families across America.
John Edwards: "President Bush had a simple choice today: direct the full force of American scientific ingenuity towards responsible, life-saving medical research or pander to a narrow segment of his political base.
Barack Obama: By vetoing funding for stem cell research once again, the President is deferring the hopes of millions of Americans who do not have the time to keep waiting for the cure that may save or extend their lives.