The Flim Flam Man And The Snowflake Project

Watch this short segment about Bush's veto of the stem cell bill on Hardball and then you'll understand why our country is so divided. The press allo

deroy-murdock.jpg Watch this short segment about Bush's veto of the stem cell bill on Hardball and then you'll understand why our country is so divided. The press allows people like Deroy, who won't tell the truth and knows that they won't tell the truth to deceive and cloud important issues to this nation....Deroy Murdock of the NRO actually uses the "Snowflakes Project" as an argument against research...I mean, he is insidious.

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Murdock: But I don‘t think the way to address that disease and others is through the destruction of human embryos. These embryos are not destined to be thrown away. In fact, there is an organization called Snowflakes Adoption Agency in Orange County, California, and they have placed these embryos, which they have actually implanted in utero. And about 120 or 130 or so kids have been born and are alive and well, and are out playing hopscotch ---Well, there are 400,000. What I think we should do is encourage more of them to be adopted. The idea that these are going to be thrown away is not so—

See how easy that was? Notice the way Deroy delivers his false talking points? He would have made an excellent conman back in the good old west--selling bottles of "youth tonic" to unsuspecting settlers. They say the same things over and over again....You don't need a calculator to know the ratio factors between 120-130 and 400,000. The Christian community is not interested in adopting "snowflakes."

Going to the C&L archives, Bush used these Snowflake kids in a photo op back in '05 .Tony Snow called the research "murder" and Josh Bolton was on MTP to explain...A lot of federal money is being invested in the Snowflake Project since it was started with hardly any takers...

And Jon Stewart takes a look back at Bush's first veto on stem cell research and Tony Snow...

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