Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter
During Hardball's love in with Ann Coulter----Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of John Edwards called in and asked her to stop lowering the bar with perso
Coulter denies attacking Edwards on GMA (Coulter:...if I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.”) and then talks over her as Elizabeth tries to get through...She tells Ann that her ilk debases political dialogue---Oh, really? Ann tries to spin it that Edwards is telling her to stop talking which is of course---wrong. Elizabeth also tells her that she's the mother of the son who died and called her out on Coulter's column that said this about John Edwards:
If you want points for not using your son's death politically, don't you have to take down all those "Ask me about my son's death in a horrific car accident" bumper stickers?
Ann's defense is that she wrote it three years ago....
Think Progress has got it too...