Mike's Blog Round Up

The Moderate Voice thinks the death of the immigration bill spells the end of Bush's power and the monolithic Rove GOP machine. Shadow of The Hegemon

The Moderate Voice thinks the death of the immigration bill spells the end of Bush's power and the monolithic Rove GOP machine.

Shadow of The Hegemon's Demosthenes on why Dick Cheney stinks like thousands of dead fish.

LastLeftB4Hooterville- "Why is Republican, partisan-owned proprietary software being used for public elections?"

Over at The Arms Control Wonk, they have an update on the My Plan, Your Plan poker game over US missile defense sites in Europe. The Russians are saying Bush has until Putin reaches Kennebunkport to make his mind up.

Zeno at Halfway There gets an invite to contribute to Bush's birthday present (and changes some links to protect

the innocent).

This is the last guest round-up by Cernig @ The Newshoggers. Thanks to everyone at C&L for making me feel so welcome. Simbaud from King of Zembla will be here all next week. Try the veal.

John Amato: Thanks so much Cernig for your help. MBR is an important part of C&L.

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