Mike's Blog Round Up

Arvin Hill: American jurisprudence gone BUCK-wild!  (Although sometimes it’s nice to hear from a Vogon, as opposed to the usual Krikkiters.)  Joe

Arvin Hill: American jurisprudence gone BUCK-wild!  (Although sometimes it’s nice to hear from a Vogon, as opposed to the usual Krikkiters.) 

Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus, on losers, leftnecks, and trench liberals: “So the party of Roosevelt begins to dimly understand that now is the opportunity to re-associate itself with populism. The problem is that Democratic Party ‘leadership’ has no notion of what populism means.” 

Then again, asks Alternate Brain, how do you get through to the 60-year-old man who told Michael Moore he’d “rather have no insurance than socialized medicine”?  Badtux the Snarky Penguin has one compelling argument. 

Jon Swift: All work and no play makes Jonah a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jonah a dull boy.  All work and no play . . . . 

Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, on the London and Glasgow car bombers: “Amateur does not do justice as a description of these attackers - absolute rubbish comes closer to it.” 

The Danger Room interviews “exotic weaponeer” John Alexander, who admits that government-sponsored witches “lacked discipline and protocols.”   

Your Right-Hand Thief: Rush Limbaugh, “student of dialects” (and champion of “distinct American culture”). 

Christopher Brauchli at Spot On: As Dick Cheney understands, the Constitution is a living, breathing thing that will writhe and squeal if you poke it with a stick. 

Guest round-up by Simbaud, King of Zembla.  We’d like to thank our gracious colleagues at C&L for allowing us the use of the venue while your regular host, Mike, implements his longstanding plan to debauch all of Eastern Europe.  If you find any spare links lying about, by all means send them to Yr. Mst. Hmbl. Crspndnt., simbaud AT gmail DOT com.

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