FOX Chicks On O'Reilly Just Love Scooter

The two supposed liberal FOX News analysts both supported Bush's decision to commute Scooter's sentence. Kirsten Powers in particular said that the w

The two supposed liberal FOX News analysts both supported Bush's decision to commute Scooter's sentence. Kirsten Powers in particular said that the whole ordeal was out of control and a waste of tax payers money. Laura Schwartz, the ex-Clinton party planner said she thought it was a brilliant move for Bush. Here's as stupid a statement as I've seen on the Libby fiasco:

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Schwartz: It was the right thing for him to do. He had to satisfy his base and he did that by commuting his sentence, but he didn't do a full blown pardon so he's not going to get as much of a hit from the left...No damage to the GOP

Yea, Scooter just being commuted really won me over to Bush on this one, Laura. OMG.

Powers: It's just the right thing to do. It's a complete waste of time. We knew who leaked in the first place. This whole thing has been a charade, it's a waste of tax payers' money---it's been a waste of time. And I'm sorry for all of the people on the left wing who have lived and breathed are probably hysterically crying right no, but this really was complete and utter waste and use of the government.

Powers, Malkin's BFF, has been on HotAir one too many times. This post by Tbogg will fill you in.

She also owes liberals an apology because O'Reilly (while on vacation for this spot) often calls her a liberal. She is not a liberal, but The Factor needs their audience to believe that so she can offset the extreme right wing postions of Malkin and his "chick segment," will seem "fair and balanced. If I'm wrong about her views I'll correct the record. (She did show promise on this H&C appearance.)

Schwartz frequently shows up on the Saturday morning FOX stock shows now. I didn't realize staging events for Bill Clinton would have helped train her to make highly informed stock picks...

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