Rove Says Iraq Won't Be A Big Deal For '08 Election

Sunday's NBC Nightly News reported on the latest horrendous attacks in Iraq that has killed over 220 people in which Sunni and Shiite leaders are now

Sunday's NBC Nightly News reported on the latest horrendous attacks in Iraq that has killed over 220 people in which Sunni and Shiite leaders are now telling civilians that they are on their own. Sorry BillO, this is news....

The Republicans that are breaking ranks are making some news lately, but are they willing to actually do something outside of blow smoke? Chris Todd says that they want to get out in front of the issue, but I'll believe that when I see it. Rove is trying to muddy the waters and soft peddle the public outrage over Iraq by saying he hopes the Iraq war won't be a big issue for the next election because he hopes the troops will be coming home. OK, and I have a bridge to sell you.

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TProgress: Rove appears only to be interested in creating the impression that the troops will be coming home by election day 2008 rather than actually instituting a real redeployment policy. As today’s New York Times reports:

Mr. Rove had warned that if Mr. Bush went too far in announcing a redeployment, the result could include a further cascade of defections — and the passage of legislation that would force a withdrawal by a specific date, a step Mr. Bush has always said he would oppose...read on

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