Chertoff Should Be Fired

Remember when Chertoff blamed the media for his failing during Hurricane Katrina? [media id=1793] [media id=1794] (small file) What gives Chertoff

Remember when Chertoff blamed the media for his failing during Hurricane Katrina?

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What gives Chertoff the right to tell the country that he has a "gut" feeling that we're going to be hit with a terrorist attack this summer?

"Summertime seems to be appealing to them," he said of al-Qaeda. "We do worry that they are rebuilding their activities."

Still, Chertoff said there are not enough indications of an imminent plot to raise the current threat levels nationwide. And he indicated that his remarks were based on "a gut feeling" formed by past seasonal patterns of terrorist attacks, recent al-Qaeda statements, and intelligence he did not disclose. There is an assessment "not of a specific threat, but of increased vulnerability," he added.

The administration said they had proof Iraq was going to nuke us so we could invade them. Better get Jack Bauer on the case. He's supposed to protect us and make sure that doesn't happen. Where does he get off inciting fear throughout this country? He's not employed to tell us his feeling or his inner child. He should be instructing all of Homeland Security to be on high alert and not try to scare the beejesus out of America.

This is a calculated move to ratchet up the terror in this country to help Republican candidates---PERIOD. They are far behind in raising money and in all the polls. He should be fired, but of course since he's being instructed to say these things (sounds like a Cheney/Rove play) he won't be. What a tool...Update: I forgot about Tom Ridge's phony terror alerts ...This White House will never stop lying to us.

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