Mike's Blog Round Up

The Heretik is shocked, shocked to discover . . . Bush never wanted to be a war president? He does, however, have an extensive collection of jackets w

The Heretik is shocked, shocked to discover . . . Bush never wanted to be a war president? He does, however, have an extensive collection of jackets with Commander in Chief embroidered on them. (Bush also hasn't figured out he is in fact a politician in Washington). The reluctant warrior has returned to stay the course terminology in asking for more time for his surge strategy, which replaced his stay the course strategy. About that September report on progress: It isn't the end, it's just the beginning. ""What Congress will get this week is a snapshot of the beginning of the retooling of the mission in Iraq," Snow said. "Everyone says, 'We want to do it a different way.' We agree. It's just now started." The surge of BS will continue forever, possibly longer.

The Numbers Game: Bush may think people are still behind him, but his latest polling numbers are a boot in the ass. Plus so many Friedmans. And you might want to take a closer look at that mortgage rate. One, two, three . . . . some base assumptions.

Communication breakdown: The iPhone hearings are coming! The iPhone hearings are coming! And curious about Iraq? Ask a Shiite. Doctor, doctor, give me the news. But make it a little earlier next time.

Vitter Vittles: what would Wendy do? What does this say about the media? Sob.

McCain and Unable Update: will anybody be on the train when the Straight Talk Express finally gets to the station?

And a message from Chris Floyd: "Until our defenses can be shored up against the relentless hack attacks aimed at shutting down Empire Burlesque, I will be blogging chiefly at my original Blogger outlet, Empire Burlesque 1.0, and at Atlantic Free Press and Pacific Free Press as well. My apologies for these difficulties. Please keep checking back at www.chris-floyd.com. We will be back there soon."

Send hot links to The Heretik at joe.ivory.mattingly AT gmail DOT com

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