Robert Novak On Karl Rove: “never Enjoyed Such A Good Source Inside The White House.”

Robert "The Prince of Darkness" Novak discussed his new book with Brian Lamb Sunday night and you knew his BFF would come up in the conversation. It'

Robert "The Prince of Darkness" Novak discussed his new book with Brian Lamb Sunday night and you knew his BFF would come up in the conversation. It's his tell-all novel and in it he gets all giddy over his long time pal---being the best damned leaker of all time...And to all those Libby apologists...This clip should remind you that Rove did leak Valerie Plame's name to him, thus destroying your Armitage cover story...

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I wonder why Novakula didn't mention that Rove was fired by Bush 41 in '92 because...

In 1992 in an incident well known in Texas, Mr. Rove was fired from the state campaign to re-elect the first President Bush on suspicions that Mr. Rove had leaked damaging information to Mr. Novak about Robert Mosbacher Jr., the campaign manager and the son of a former commerce secretary.

I didn't say this, he did: "....but I hope I don’t end up in purgatory with my severed head in my arms."

E&P :

LAMB: [Concerning Karl Rove] you say, “never enjoyed such a good source inside the White House.”

NOVAK: That’s true. He was a confirming source on the Valerie Plame story. He revealed himself as having – he quoted himself of what he told me, so that the confidentiality was gone by his own statement.

LAMB: What do we mean when we say “source”?

NOVAK: A source is somebody who tells you something about news. A reporter relies on sources.

LAMB: How long have you known Karl Rove? How long has he been a source?

NOVAK: Karl Rove has been a source since he was a young fellow as a consultant in Austin, Texas, in the, well, I guess the 1970s.

LAMB: What’s the rule? What are the rules when you have a source? Did you name him in any of these columns?

NOVAK: No. I didn’t name him. But everybody knew he was my source. That was known. What was not known was that he was a confirming source on the Valerie Plame story. But that information came out through him and his lawyer.

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