Laura Ingraham Makes More Sense Than Harold Ford
Ford went back on H&C last night to defend his "center" strategy of the DLC which is clearly not where America is. Right wing talkie, Laura Ingra
Ingraham;....And, not to defend the Daily Kos, when you're constantly targeting the middle or the moderates as Harold called's pretty tough because the middle is always's shifting to where the left or right is more persuasive. It's not like the moderates are an identifiable group----identifiable positions on a number of key issues. They kinda move to either where conservatives or liberals guide them either successfully or not so...I think targeting the middle is a very risky political strategy and I've got to say---at least the Daily Kos people are honest with what they want.
I disagree with some of her phrasing, but she did sound much more informed than Harold. And I ask you...what the heck is the middle? Karl Rove envisioned a country that would be a one party/Republican majority for all time. Ford is completely out of touch as a Blue Dog. A memo to the DLC: I supported Harold Ford when he was running. They never responded to my email either...Bob Beckel showed his disdain for the netroots later in the segment...