AT&T Shareholders Alarmed By Pearl Jam Controversy

This is not going away: When the controversy caught the attention of Trillium Asset Management, a socially responsible investment firm with $1 billio

This is not going away:

When the controversy caught the attention of Trillium Asset Management, a socially responsible investment firm with $1 billion under management, including more than 200,000 shares of T, the firm asked AT&T to investigate. Steve Lippman, vice president of social research at Trillium, who brought the issue to my attention, wrote:

As citizens we are alarmed whenever the free marketplace of ideas is impeded by political censorship. As shareholders we are most concerned about the impact such controversy can have on AT&T’s reputation among consumers and its good standing in regulatory and legislative communities.

What’s that they say at AT&T? “Your World. Delivered.”

Well, sort of..

Read the whole thing...AT&T should be ashamed of their actions...I'll keep you posted as more information becomes available.

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