FEC Complaint Filed Against Fred Thompson
I was wondering what Fred meant when he said this on CNN: Thompson: We’re going to be getting in, if we get in, and of course we’re testing the
Thompson: We’re going to be getting in, if we get in, and of course we’re testing the waters phase, legality. We’re going to make a statement shortly that’ll cure all of that, but yes, we’ll be in traditionally when people get in.
Lane Hudson files a complaint with the FEC.
Fred Thompson is breaking the law and it's time somebody did something about it. So, this morning, I filed an FEC Complaint against him. For far too long, he has been ignoring the letter and spirit of Federal Election Law for his own political benefit. It reeks of the same disregard for the law that we have seen from the Bush Administration, Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, Tom Delay, and Mark Foley.
It is my contention that he has violated the 'testing the waters' exemption of election law. He has been presenting himself as a candidate for President, he has been raising large sums of money beyond what would be required to explore a possible candidacy, and he has signed a long term lease on a headquarters for his campaign. He has even spent advertising dollars, which are specifically prohibited by the law...read on
Jake Tapper does a good job on his post at the Political Punch giving more background on why the complaint is valid.
Help out and call the FEC and demand an investigation: FEC Phone Number: (800) 424-9530 In Washington (202) 694-1100