Mitch McConnell Press Conference: Al-Qaeda Baby!

Rep.Mitch McConnell, wants the US to stay in Iraq and the Middle East for-EVER and is hoping to garner bi-partisan support to achieve this end. (Bush

mitchmcconnell.jpg Rep.Mitch McConnell, wants the US to stay in Iraq and the Middle East for-EVER and is hoping to garner bi-partisan support to achieve this end. (BushDogs unite!) He starts off with the usual "we're anxiously waiting for the Petraeus White House Report," routine for cover. Raise your hands if you don't know what it will say? Now let's ask Mitch how many more lives have been taken/destroyed and terrorists we've created by implementing Bush's immoral "Pre-emptive Doctrine?" That's what happens when this administration chose ideology over truth.

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McConnell: "Those reports will be before the Congress next week..ugh..I think most of my members are actually interested in what the facts are. I don't think most of them have made up their minds before they get the reports and they're intensely interested in what's going to be in these two reports to Congress and I think that will largely determine where the majority of our members come out. And of course we haven't heard from the President either about what he thinks is the way forward. I can tell you what I would personally like to see if that's worth anything to you. I would like to see us with at least some level of bi-partisan agreement that we need a long term deployment somewhere in the Middle East in the future for two reasons...Al Qaeda and Iran. (full transcript below the fold)

And I hope that this reaction to Iraq and the highly politicized nature of dealing with Iraq this year doesn't end up in a situation where we just bring all the troops back home and there by expose us once again to the kind of attacks we've had here in the homeland or on American facilities.

Remember Al Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center in '93, they blew up our embassies in East Africa in '96, they blew a hole in the side of the US Cole in 2000 and killed over 3000 US citizens on 9-11. They were very much at war with us before we decided to go to war with them. Since we've been at war with them not a single successful attack here at home. So the question is regardless of how you feel about the state of things in Iraq at the moment what's the best way to protect the homeland, us here, civilians in America for the future and I think it involves at least some level of American troop deployment in that area of the world..."

Reporter: "In Iraq or.....?"

McConnell: "Well that would be up to the generals to recommend where the troops ought to be but I think we need to be in the neighborhood of where the biggest problem is so we can deal with it there and not have to deal with it here.

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