Chris Wallace Asks Nancy Pelosi If She "Prays For The Troops To Win In Iraq"

Nancy Pelosi went on FOX News Sunday today to talk aboout the SCHIP/Bush veto. And here's example # ___ (fill in the blank) of the ridiculous questio

Nancy Pelosi went on FOX News Sunday today to talk aboout the SCHIP/Bush veto. And here's example # ___ (fill in the blank) of the ridiculous questions that come from a FNC host...Only on FOX would Chris Wallace actually ask this of a Democratic leader:

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Wallace: You said the other day that you pray for President Bush to change his mind about vetoing SCHIP...Ahhh, do you pray for our soldiers to win in Iraq?

Pelosi: Of, course I do.

Wallace: To win?

Pelosi: Of, course. What a question....

At least she called him out on it....If I was Pelosi, I would have added, "jackass." And you wonder why C&L has had so much success highlighting the biased coverage at FOX. His second "to win?" gives it just the added touch of Malkinite that really shows he cares. "We know you might possibly pray for the troops, Mrs. Satan, but what kinds of prayers are they really? Hmmmm? The question implies that Nancy and the Democratic party really, really, really hate the troops. Rove would be pleased. Wallace was "wanknificent" this morning.

Actually Chris, I'm praying for a rise in the already horrific PTSD injuries the troops are sustaining for Christmas, so how is your family? I know it's Sunday morning and your coffee is in your hand, but give us a list of questions Chris Wallace would really like to ask....

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