Where's The Media Outrage Over McConnell's Staffer Smearing The Frost Family?

Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and Harry Reid's office acted in the same disgusting fashion as Mitch McConnell's staff did to Graeme Fros

Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and Harry Reid's office acted in the same disgusting fashion as Mitch McConnell's staff did to Graeme Frost? It would be plastered all over Drudge, FOX and Limbaugh--all day and night. Hannity would be having candlelight vigils outside the Frosts' home. The outrage would be deafening and the NRO would be calling for Reid to resign.

Update: Remember the outrage over John Kerry's botched joke? McCain attacked him ferociously. The RNC released their own ad attacking Kerry and demanding an apology. The right wing bloggers spread vile lies about him. (nothing changed there) Yet, the media has gone AWOL over the smearing of a sick, 12 year old boy. Oh, how times have changed.

Greg Sargent explains:

Here's a question: When are the cable nets and the Capitol Hill press and the pundits going to dig into the role that GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell played in pushing the smear of the Frost family?

Lefty bloggers wouldn't have taken this route, of course, but if this had happened and Reid had done this, I think the cable networks would be all over it. CNN's internet reporter would do a segment on it, Wolf Blitzer would grunt with disapproval, Chris Matthews would drench the Hardball camera with spittle flecks, Richard Cohen would question Reid's character, David Broder would shake his head and mutter darkly about "incivility" and Reid's incompetence, Howie Kurtz would write a story about the coverage of the story, and the rest would be history. That Reid staffer would end up resigning.

Dems are now out there attacking McConnell. Yet we're hearing nothing about this key twist in the story. At the very least you'd think this would be fodder for the cable nets. Bizarre....read on

The DCCC has put out a press release: McConnell Refuses To Explain Why He Misled Kentucky

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