Dodd Says He Is Prepared To Filibuster The FISA/Telecom Immunity Bill

Dodd told us yesterday that he will place a hold on the new bill if it grants immunity to the billion dollar Telecoms that have more money than GOD

Dodd told us yesterday that he will place a hold on the new bill if it grants immunity to the billion dollar Telecoms that have more money than GOD and just as many lawyers on board to advise them. Don't you think they received excellent legal counsel before they aided Bush's violation of our civil liberties? Kagro X explains what the heck a "hold" is.
Glenn Greenwald explains in detail the bogus "good faith" argument the Telecoms are trying to weasel around with and the one that AT&T already lost in federal court with. Sen. Pat Leahy is also getting on board. Feingold is on board too.

If the bill that ultimately reaches the Senate floor includes immunity and does not adequately protect the privacy of Americans, I will fight it vigorously with every tool at my disposal.”

What will Hillary, Obama, Biden and Richardson do? Issuing press releases isn't going to cut it. The ball is in your court.

Dodd says he'll now filibuster to stop the immunity from happening. I'd say---give this man a cigar! And what's up with Reid? Wired takes a look at Rockefeller and the Telco cash flow

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