"No End In Sight" Exclusive Armitage Interview With DVD Release.

We've written extensively on the documentary called "No End In Sight" on C&L because we loved it and so did our readers. If you want to understan

We've written extensively on the documentary called "No End In Sight" on C&L because we loved it and so did our readers. If you want to understand what happened in Iraq after Bush made his infamous " Mission Accomplished," speech---this is the film to see.

Download QT only (big file-29mgs-11:30 minutes)

The DVD has now been released with a few extras including a much longer interview with Richard Armitage. (We've got a new ad running now about the release.) He discusses what he believes are some of the major screwups, i.e., the "de-Ba'athification by Paul Bremer" that the administration implemented, which helped cause the horrible situation in Iraq.

NEIS is a must see! You can grab a copy here...

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