There Is No Crisis In Social Security
I understand that Obama is trying to chip away at Hillary's lead, but as many have already mentioned: Social Security is not in a crisis! He shouldn't
I understand that Obama is trying to chip away at Hillary's lead, but as many have already mentioned: Social Security is not in a crisis! He shouldn't be reviving the tired Republican talking point as a way to gain some momentum. It makes him look bad to progressives that actually study this issue and like him on other issues such as Net Neutrality...
But Social Security isn’t a big problem that demands a solution; it’s a small problem, way down the list of major issues facing America, that has nonetheless become an obsession of Beltway insiders. And on Social Security, as on many other issues, what Washington means by bipartisanship is mainly that everyone should come together to give conservatives what they want.
We all wish that American politics weren’t so bitter and partisan. But if you try to find common ground where none exists — which is the case for many issues today — you end up being played for a fool. And that’s what has just happened to Mr. Obama