TIME, Please Spare Us Joe Klein On FISA

And it's one, two, three--what are we....Joke Line makes a fool out of himself again. [media id=3321] [media id=3322] For context I'll do a Flashb

And it's one, two, three--what are we....Joke Line makes a fool out of himself again.

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For context I'll do a Flashback to Joe Klein way back on April 16th, 2006 when he appeared on THIS WEEK while talking about Iran.

Klein: We should not take any option including the use of nuclear, tactical nuclear weapons off the table

Stephanopoulos: Keep that on the table?-That’s insane...

Yes it is an insane position, but that's Joe Klein for you...I don't think he appreciated it that much because after my posting and a pile on by other bloggers he was forced to admit that he was an idiot.

A few weeks ago, I made a mistake while bloviating on the Sunday morning television program This Week With George Stephanopoulos. I said that all military options, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons should remain on the table in our future dealings with Iran. I was wrong on three counts.

He had to make himself feel better by calling us "screechers," though because he couldn't take the heat like a man.

I probably would not be writing this were it not for all the left-wing screeching ...

I write this because Glenn Greenwald took Joke Line to school over his nonsense about FISA the other day and he strikes a chord about the Villagers that we can't emphazie enough in the liberal blogosphere.

For the sake of its own credibility, Time Magazine needs immediately to prohibit Joe Klein from uttering another word about the eavesdropping and FISA controversy. He simply doesn't know what he's talking about and he publishes demonstrably false statements.

Klein's latest article in Time does nothing more than what Klein and most Beltway "liberal" pundits always do and have been doing for the last twenty years -- namely, warn Democrats that they will lose elections unless they renounce their beliefs and act as much as possible like Republicans on national security issues. The article is entitled "Still Stumbling on National Security" and contains every 1980-2003 cliche about how Democrats better not oppose the big, mean, tough George Bush on war issues or else Rush Limbaugh will attack them and they'll lose. More on that in a moment...read on

Jane Hamsher echoes my sentiments perfectly.

I can only conclude that people like Klein got along for so very long by churning out nonsense that nobody challenged and now they can’t come to terms with the fact that they are being fed bullshit by people with an agenda, even when they’re called on it. The twisted logic and rationalizations he has to indulge in to justify his position are almost sad.

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