Rahm, Where's The Money For 0H-05?

There's been a bit of a struggle going on at the DCCC because many members want to help finance Robin Weirauch's run in the special election on Decemb

There's been a bit of a struggle going on at the DCCC because many members want to help finance Robin Weirauch's run in the special election on December 11th, but Rahm Emanuel is stubbornly opposed to opening up the wallet to help a grass roots progressive pick up a very winnable seat.

Both Sherrod Brown and Gov. Ted Strickland won in that predominantly Republican area and along with Rep. Tim Ryan and the rest of the Ohio Democratic congressional delegation have been adamantly urging Van Hollen to help finance her run. Now I find out that Gov. Strickland will be campaigning with Robin all day Saturday. She's opposed to NAFTA so you can see why Rahm is turning a blind eye to her and behind the curtain, pulling a Wizard of Oz move and refusing to let the cash go. It's irritating so many people that Gen. Wesley Clark wrote a letter to his whole list that says:

Robin Weirauch is running for the open seat in Ohio's 5th congressional district. Voters will be hitting the ballot box in less than two weeks on December 11.

A victory in OH-5 will send a message across Ohio and America that voters are ready to turn the page on George W. Bush and the Republicans. Contribute to Robin's campaign today!

As the daughter of a retired Master Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force, Robin will do more than simply repeat slogans like "Support the Troops." She will fight to bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq and make sure our veterans receive the health care they deserve.

Strong words from Clark and that shows you how critical they feel this seat is.., And as Howie Klein says :

And thank you, General Clark, for doing what Chris Van Hollen should do-- with or without Rahm Emanuel's blessing.

If you can, please email the DCCC and ask them to help fund her run and send a shot across the bow of the entire NRCC, which is almost bankrupt. We need more and better Democrats representing our progressive ideals and Robin certainly is one.

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