Chris Matthews Dismisses Carol Hunter Of The Des Moines Register Because Of Hillary Clinton Endorsement
Chris Matthews' obsession with Hillary Clinton in recent weeks got even more bizarre after he attacked Carol Hunter for endorsing Hillary Clinton f
Chris Matthews' obsession with Hillary Clinton in recent weeks got even more bizarre after he attacked Carol Hunter for endorsing Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party because she's a woman. Yep, that's all. And in Tweety's inane and simple mind, that's the only reason the Des Moines Register would have selected Hillary for the job. Insulting much, Chris? I guess their endorsement of John McCain wasn't enough for him.
Matthews: ....she may have gotten the Des Moines Register's endorsement the other day thanks to her husband's lobbying, with its female editors and publisher, but voters have spotted the dagger. They don't like what it looks like.
C&Lers may disagree with Hunter's pick, I leave that for you to decide (I like the Democratic field), but Matthews owes Carol Hunter an immediate on-air apology for his misogynistic outlook and very feeble view. The way the media has treated Hillary has been disgraceful since she has been ahead in the national polls, but Matthews couldn't contain his hatred of Hillary to her alone this time. What does Carol know anyway, right Tweety? She's just a female, probably with a shrill voice too... Chris should just announce his support for the cop on the street or the Aqua Velva man already and be done with it.
For more on the Clinton Derangement syndrome in our media check out Bill Moyers and Kathleen Hall Jamieson discussing this topic:
KATHLEEN HALL JAMIESON: One of the complications of this is we're moving into new linguistic territory. And we haven't found a way to discuss this. When a woman stands up and asks Senator McCain, "How do we beat the bitch?" and there isn't a clear statement by Senator McCain that that's not the way one characterizes, you know, my opponent on the Democratic side. And there's not a public commentary that surrounds it the way there was a public commentary about the statement by Imus or about the comedian from SEINFELD. Essentially what we say to the culture at large is that must be appropriate discourse to apply to a female candidate running for office — or at least this female candidate. BILL MOYERS: It's okay to talk this way.
KATHLEEN HALL JAMIESON: It's okay to talk this on