Bill O'Reilly Says Musharraf Has One More Chance To Get It Right...Bolton And Dodd Respond To The Nonsense

BillO called in to his guest host Laura Ingraham to give his thoughts on the Bhutto assassination in which he says Musharraf has one more chance to g

BillO called in to his guest host Laura Ingraham to give his thoughts on the Bhutto assassination in which he says Musharraf has one more chance to get with the program, or else! (rough transcripts throughout.)

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O'Reilly: I'm gonna say this on the Factor and people should write it down. Musharraf's last chance. Musharraf is going to wind up in a pool of blood. Just like Miss Bhutto, if he doesn't throw in with NATO and the United States and throw in tomorrow.

...so the US should have a very strong line privately to Musharraf. "This is your last chance, sir." You either do what you have to do and throw in with us and that means with advisers on missions or we're going to walk away.

Laura: It seems like we've been giving Musharraf many chances...

O'Reilly: This is it.

Here's a memo to Bill. There have already been numerous assassination attempts of him already. The administration is certainly not going to walk away from Pakistan. And as all the networks and pundits have been pointing out all day long (funny how they never talked about their nukes before)---the company line is that Pakistan has nukes and the US needs to protect them. SO who will that fall to. Mr. Bill? And his good pal John Bolton isn't very happy with BushCO's handling of Pakistan either. He thinks there's been too much meddling in their affairs. "Micromanaging" as he calls it.

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Bolton: I think by exceeding Benazir Bhutto's desire to get back in the game in Pakistan, seeing her as somebody as an alternative to Musharraf ---we in effect helped, helped precipitate this dynamic which has led to her tragic assassination. It's hard to see how that was the road to success.

Colmes: That's what I was getting at is that we were pushing Democracy by way of Bhutto thinking that if she can get in there and it seemed were tried to engineer this upcoming election , if she can become Prime Minister and some kind of a partnership with Musharraf ---one would seem like a marriage made in hell.

Bolton: I think this ought to tell us not to try micromanage what goes on in a country like this. What we've got now is a prescription for chaos....This is exactly what the Islamic fundamentalists wanted because now Musharraf has come under greater criticism.

What's O'Reilly going to say to his pal Bolton now? (I use Bolton reluctantly) And as far as I know Pakistan is not US property---doesn't Chalabi still wants in on Iraq?

Chris Dodd told Keith Olbermann that he thinks that Musharraf should be supported at all costs at this time and that the elections should be postponed until there are candidates that will run against each other.

Dodd: Putting somebody in charge of that nuclear arsenal in the middle of that chaos is a very dangerous step for Pakistan and for us at this juncture so stability is the key.

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