David Shuster Smacks The Scar Over His Trying To Pump "Bush's Foreign Policy" As Successful

The Scar says that Republicans are suddenly very pleased with George Bush's performance as the Decider including his....cough...cough....foreign poli

The Scar says that Republicans are suddenly very pleased with George Bush's performance as the Decider including his....cough...cough....foreign policy. David Shuster wouldn't let him get off with painting a bright and shiny picture of the Bush Doctrine---I'll let David lay it out for you....The middle east is a complete disaster and....anyway...

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Shuster: Joe, I like you a lot. but I cannot let you by with what you just said about "George Bush" and his foreign policy successes. Are you really saying that the President's foreign policy in all these places has been a success that most Republicans think---it's been a success? Because that's not the polling that I'm seeing and that's not what I'm hearing from Republicans in Iowa who say: "Look, we want somebody we can trust. We want somebody who is smart, but we also want somebody who is competent this time.


Joe, I don't even know where to begin....If the US had taken care of business in Afghanistan along the Pakistan border, had taken care of al-Qaeda, had sent 150,000 troops there instead of to Iraq which had nothing to so with the al-Qaeda attacks on 9/11, then al-Qaeda and the Taliban, they wouldn't have the influence, the destabilizing influence they have over Pakistan today...

The Scar tries to downplay Shuster's reporting by saying that since he's a former member of Congress---then Shuster doesn't really know what he's talking about because he's not a former member of Congress. David just laughed at him on that one...Joe Scarborough is the guy that did a segment called "Is Bush an Idiot" and then followed it up with a few more segments defending that take...As any election cycle approaches, a wingnut like Scarborough will always try to get back in the good graces of their party after trying to tell the truth for a short period of time.

You can check out the polling trend on Bush' overall job performance here. Not very good.

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