The Final Season Of "The Wire" Begins...
Arguably the best show on teevee, The Wire opened Sunday night with its fifth and final season. This series is as close an experience to reading a boo
Arguably the best show on teevee, The Wire opened Sunday night with its fifth and final season. This series is as close an experience to reading a book as there ever has been on television. In this season--- print media (The Baltimore Sun) is included into the dynamic of the series. I'm so used to power cycling through a whole season in like two days that it'll be difficult to have to watch it week to week, but that's the breaks.
Season 5 is the culmination of brilliant, nuanced storytelling, exceptional acting and the fearlessness of Simon and his writers from the get-go in telling novelistic stories on television without pandering.... As for this grand finale, "The Wire" doesn't disappoint (has it ever?)
Christy has a really nice post on it....
If you haven't watched The Wire, you really should. The scripts are genius, the acting is sublime, and the research on the various characters -- decent cops and broken ones, drug dealers and their long-suffering and/or grasping families, community leaders and sell-outs, flawed politicians and the people who bribe them -- has been so spot on, beyond anything you usually see in the sterilized, shorthanded, cardboard cut-out "cop and law" shows.