Limbaugh: It's Gotta Be Those Out Of State Buses
After predicting Hillary would lose, (yesterday) Rush Limbaugh took a caller and let him explain the "out-of-town buses" routine as yet another vote
After predicting Hillary would lose, (yesterday) Rush Limbaugh took a caller and let him explain the "out-of-town buses" routine as yet another voter fraud type theory in NH that swung the election for Hillary. The caller believes it, because he never "saw" so many people in his small town in NH before.
C&Ler Brendan's email explains:
Rush was, of course, among those predicting a Hillary loss (on Monday's show he was saying that Clinton staffers were sending out their resumes...with no real evidence)... Today, (minutes ago) he's got callers saying that there were ineligible (out of state) voters at polling places. He says that this is "anecdotal" evidence but he still puts them on.
I'm sorry, but listening to Rush talk about voter fraud is hazardous to your health. And I still can't get over the fight between RushBo and Huckabee when most of his listeners are Evangelicals...Limbaugh really went after him over and over and over again. Jane writes: "Huckabee Pwns Limbaugh"