Huckabee Tries To Laugh Off Theocon Remarks!

On H&C last night after the MI primary, Colmes asked Huckabee to comment on his theocratic rant to change the Constitution to line up with the wo

On H&C last night after the MI primary, Colmes asked Huckabee to comment on his theocratic rant to change the Constitution to line up with the word of God in his eyes.

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Colmes: When you make statements like that, changing the Constitution in keeping with your God.

Huckabee: On two things. The context is two things. Human life amendment, which I support and which has been in the Republican platform since 1980. And by the way, Fred Thompson doesn't support it, nor does John McCain. And yet it's part of our platform and it's a very important part of our platform to say that human life is something we're going to stand for. And the second thing is traditional marriage. So those are the two areas in which I'm talking about. I'm not suggesting that we re-write the constitution to reflect tithing or Sunday school attendance. I want to make that very clear.

Nice try there Mike. Two things is two things too many. What would be next? A "Wives to obey their husbands" amendment?" Richard Land would certainly be thrilled. Huckabee laughs it off as really just part of what Republicans think anyway so what's the big deal? I have to agree with him on that one completely. Huckabee is stating the words that are at the heart of Newt's Southern Strategy in the 90's and Reagan in the 80's.

Digby reminds us of this one:

The president of the United States interrupted his vacation (something he wouldn't do even when faced with a terrorist threat) to sign legislation to keep one brain damaged woman alive against her will in a naked pander to the religious right. This stuff is SOP to Republicans. They agree with it.

PFAW's Peter Montgomery says:

Does Huckabee mean what he said? Does he want an amendment to make divorce unconstitutional? What other ways would he amend the Constitution to meet his interpretation of “God’s standards?” Mike Huckabee’s desperate push to energize his supporters is revealing his deeply flawed view of our Constitution, and reminding Americans why the separation of church and state is so important.

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