Tough Times For CNN
Or what I like to call "self inflicted problems": Within minutes of posting a story on CNN's homepage called "Gender or race: Black women voters face
Or what I like to call "self inflicted problems":
Within minutes of posting a story on CNN's homepage called "Gender or race: Black women voters face tough choices in South Carolina," readers reacted quickly and angrily.
Many took umbrage at the story's suggestion that black women voters face "a unique, and most unexpected dilemma" about voting their race or their gender.
CNN received dozens of e-mails shortly after posting the story, which focuses largely on conversations about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that a CNN reporter observed at a hair salon in South Carolina whose customers are predominantly African-American.
The story states: "For these women, a unique, and most unexpected dilemma, presents itself: Should they vote their race, or should they vote their gender?"
You can read the rest of the article here and the article they are referencing here.
I guess the "best political team on television" should think a little more before publishing articles.
Update from Blue Gal: With tongue firmly in cheek as usual, Princess Sparkle Pony points out that it would be so much easier for CNN if Oprah were running her own self.