John Shadegg Caught In Money Scandal. Will The Media Confront McCain On This?
It looks like another Republican is snared in another corruption scandal. This one is taking place in McCain's Arizona stomping grounds Shadegg is na
Shadegg is named in a complaint brought by the Arizona Democratic Party that is expected to be filed with the Federal Election Commission today. In it, Democrats allege that Shaddeg's campaign committee and his PAC "may have colluded together to avoid the individual contribution limits to a federal candidate and in violation of several FEC regulations."
Shadegg, who dismissed the charge as political exploitation, said in a statement Wednesday that he welcomed the federal investigation and was giving back the money in order “to remain above reproach in the handling of my campaign finances and to dispel even the potential appearance of improper conduct relating to these funds.”
And look at this. Shadegg has returned the money! Is this an admission of guilt?
After being accused of accepting illegal campaign donations, Republican U.S. Rep. John Shadegg announced Wednesday that he was refunding $10,000 he received from his own political action committee. Shadegg, who dismissed the charge as political exploitation, said in a statement Wednesday that he welcomed the federal investigation and was giving back the money in order “to remain above reproach in the handling of my campaign finances and to dispel even the potential appearance of improper conduct relating to these funds.”Democrats pointed out that only days ago Shadegg told John McCain in Hew Hampshire.
Congressman John Shadegg, R-Ariz., was among those in New Hampshire Tuesday, doing some last-minute campaigning for Arizona Senator and Republican presidential hopeful John McCain. Shadegg said McCain was running strong among the GOP faithful in New Hampshire's primary.
Let's see if the John King's of the media will get on the McCain bus and ask him about Sadegg's involvment in this muck.