Carl Bernstein: Hillary Clinton And NAFTA

While discussing who John Edwards supporters would vote for on CNN, Carl Bernstein made an interesting statement about Hillary's take on NAFTA. [med

While discussing who John Edwards supporters would vote for on CNN, Carl Bernstein made an interesting statement about Hillary's take on NAFTA.

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Bernstein: Hillary Clinton's economics, the ones she preached to her husband in the White House are much closer to John Edwards then you would think. She argued with Bill Clinton when she was First Lady, her husband, she said 'Bill, you are doing Republican economics when you are doing NAFTA.' She was against NAFTA. And if she would somehow come out and tell the real story of what she fought for in the White House and failed in a big argument with her husband she would end up moving much closer to those Edwards followers.

Bob Somerby had some choice words for Bernstein over his Clinton book so I'm not taking this as fact or anything close to it, but I never heard it before so it made me curious.

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