Larry Elder Is A Wanker
I was driving home from an acupuncture appointment yesterday and I flipped on LA's wingnut radio station. Larry Elder was doing one of his " The Word
“Hope is making a comeback and, let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change,” she said during a rally in downtown Milwaukee.
I wish I had the audio, but in typical wingnut fashion, Elder read off his jingoistic list of reasons why he's been proud of America for so many years. From what I can remember of his speech---and since the economy is in total shambles, ole Larry had to compare us with Greece. America is better than living in Greece, isn't it? And he talked about some time he spent in Italy a number of years ago and his big complaint was that the power would go out occasionally. How quickly we forget the comforts of America, he alluded to. I guess Elder must have forgotten all the power outages in LA when it gets a little too hot in the summer.
He brought up Bush 41's high approval rating right after the the first Gulf war. He was so proud. And then he threw in Bush 43's high approval ratings after we toppled the Taliban. Over 70%, he said. Wow, what memories....Aren't the Taliban back by the way, Larry? Was he proud of the Iraq war, or the way Bush handled Hurricane Katrina? Was he proud about the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the massive housing foreclosures? Is he proud of Larry Craig and Mark Foley? He didn't say. I'm sure he was proud of David Vitter though. I bet he gave him an in-studio standing ovation just like the Republicans did. Anyway, Elder, I was so proud of your list of denial.
Send him an email to and tell him how proud you are of the Republicans in power. I'll try to stay off that radio station next time and find KJAZZ, but please Larry--- keep wanking away.