O'Reilly Attacks NBC For Airing The Clinton/Holeman Story; FOX Turns Around And Does The Same

Leave it to Bill O'Reilly to make a fool out of FOX News for us. Thank you, Bill. It's not like they need any help but we'll take it. I'm sure Roger

Leave it to Bill O'Reilly to make a fool out of FOX News for us. Thank you, Bill. It's not like they need any help but we'll take it. I'm sure Roger Ailes didn't like his 60 million dollar man trashing Murdoch's property.

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O'Reilly: ...and this video surfaced of President Clinton pointing his finger at an Obama supporter who was apparently baiting him. Now there are plenty of nuts on the campaign trail , but you don't legitimize them if you are a responsible news agency. However, NBC news gave the Clinton guy airtime...cut to Holeman....cut to Hannity:

Hannity: Holeman claims the confrontation got physical, but the Clinton campaign denies it. Joining us now to tell us his side of what happened is Barack Obama supporter Robert Holeman, thank you for being with us.

O'Reilly: but you don't legitimize them if you are a responsible news agency.

O'Reilly would certainly qualify as a nut on the campaign trail.

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BillO attacks NBC as not being a "credible news" service because they gave plenty of air time to the Bill Clinton/Obama supporter dust up. It's a minor story on the campaign trail, but as usual the media craves to go after Bill. it wasn't that long ago when a person would need to sign a loyalty pledge to get into a GOP event. Too bad BillO didn't check to see what FNC's GOP attack dog, Sean Hannity was up to immediately following The Factor. Did he really believe Sean would let this one pass? C&L's billw spliced two segments together for us.

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