George Bush Is A-OK With Turkey Invading Iraq: 'The Smell Of Pre-emption'

Bush's press conferences are getting more surreal by the minute. And I think the press is getting way out there too. He's perfectly fine with Turkey

Bush's press conferences are getting more surreal by the minute. And I think the press is getting way out there too. He's perfectly fine with Turkey invading Iraq just as long as they don't overstay their welcome. You know, snap a few photos, have a nice lunch. What the heck, the region is unstable anyway. It's not like Turkey could make it much worse. He just loves the smell of pre-emption in the morning. Really, this is not from SNL.

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If Saudi Arabia embarks on a little operation of their own to protect the Sunnis, that'll be just wonderful for Bush, don't you think? Maybe they will be the ones greeted as liberators.

Q Mr. President, Turkey's ground offensive in northern Iraq is now a week old with no end in sight. How quickly would you like to see Turkey end its offenses, its incursion? And do you have any concerns about the possibility of protracted presence in northern Iraq causing further destabilization in the region?

THE PRESIDENT: A couple of points on that. One, the Turks, the Americans, and the Iraqis, including the Iraqi Kurds, share a common enemy in the PKK. And secondly, it's in nobody's interests that there be safe haven for people who are -- have the willingness to kill innocent people.

A second point I want to make to you, Matt, is that there is a special forces presence in northern Iraq -- in Kurdistan -- now, apart from what you're referring to. So there is a presence. And there has been a presence for a while.

Thirdly, I strongly agree with the sentiments of Secretary Gates, who said that the incursion must be limited, and must be temporary in nature. In other words, it shouldn't be long-lasting. But the Turks need to move quickly, achieve their objective, and get out.

Q But how quickly, sir, do they need to move out?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, as quickly as possible.

Q Days or weeks?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, as possible.

This is just batshit crazy.

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