Where Was FOX & Wallace On The McCain/Hagee Endorsement?

Chris Wallace was outraged today over Obama's pastor remarks and I think it's very fair to raise the issue. I did a Google search on Chris Wallace/Jo

Chris Wallace was outraged today over Obama's pastor remarks and I think it's very fair to raise the issue.

I did a Google search on Chris Wallace/John Hagee to see if he ever mentioned his name on Fox News Sunday and guess what? I didn't find a mention anywhere of this controversial---anti-Catholic---McCain endorsement. In fact, I found only one post on the FOX News website which was a video of McCain saying that he didn't have to agree with everything someone says who supports him. We know there was only a brief spot on CNN and MSNBC pretty much stayed away from it completely outside of KO. (Tweety was silent)

So, only as a media question: Why no mention of McCain and the barrage on Obama? Shouldn't they both be held to the same standard of coverage? How would Hillary have been covered by Chris Wallace if a similar story hit the news?

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