C&L Action Alert: Over 80,000 Letters Sent On Torture. Going For 100K

Wow, what a tremendous response we've had with our C&L/ACLU project to demand a call for an Independent Counsel to investigate the Administration

Wow, what a tremendous response we've had with our C&L/ACLU project to demand a call for an Independent Counsel to investigate the Administration’s approval of Torture and Abuse.

I got word that we've sent 80,127 letters to Congress so far. That's amazing in such a short time. Thank you for you participation. And I want to thank all the bloggers that joined in also. Barack Obama just came out on the latest Bush/torture revelations---saying that he would consider asking his "new Attorney General and his deputies to "immediately review the information that's already there" and determine if an inquiry is warranted."

This is excellent news. I still need your help in two ways. I've been emailing ABC News to ask them to have Charles Gibson bring up the torture issue during Wednesday's debate since ABC actually broke the news.

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ABC News aired a segment on their daily news show that after a five month investigation, they could say that Bush’s most senior officials not only knew about the torture they were inflicting on suspected terrorists, but decided down to the last detail exactly how much torture to inflict.

dday has the contact info:

You can contact them here and demand that they follow up their reporting on torture by pushing it into the Presidential race. Contacting World News Tonight with moderator Charlie Gibson and ABC News Programming Specials would probably be the most helpful.

Then can you please keep sending messages to Congress here via the ACLU so we can keep the heat up on this and hit the 100K mark. The blogoshere is very riled up over just the notion that our great nation is linked in any way to torture itself, but with the top of the Bush administration apparently being instrumental in implementing it, well---let's just say--people are passionate about this issue. So, 100k here we come....

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