Well they are still here and more seem to be on the way. The new head of the PFAW, Kathryn Kolbert, wrote a great piece about the Senate confirming mo
Well they are still here and more seem to be on the way. The new head of the PFAW, Kathryn Kolbert, wrote a great piece about the Senate confirming more of the same---extreme right wing judges that are coming into the judicary.
President Bush is in the twilight of his presidency and his approval ratings are scraping bottom. So what did the Senate do last week? It confirmed yet another of Bush's controversial judicial nominees. And Senators are sending signs that they might cave on yet more nominees in the near future.
Let’s stop for a second and think about what happens when Bush nominees get on the courts. We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s destructive Ledbetter ruling. Lilly Ledbetter suffered pay discrimination for years at an Alabama Goodyear plant...read on