What Do You Guys Think About This?

I know it's from the Politico, but I've seen most of the information trickling out elsewhere. Senator Barack Obama's campaign is steering the candida

I know it's from the Politico, but I've seen most of the information trickling out elsewhere.

Senator Barack Obama's campaign is steering the candidate's wealthy supporters away from independent Democratic groups, calling into question what had been expected to be the groups' central role in this year's Democratic offensive against Senator John McCain.

The donors have been considering entreaties from Progressive Media USA, run by conservative-journalist turned liberal media critic David Brock; from former Clinton aide John Podesta's Fund for America; and from America Votes, a group backed by billionaire George Soros that focuses on voter mobilization, among other efforts.

But in recent days, major donors have begun to conclude that Obama is serious in trying to cut off funds to the outside groups. "It's given donors pause," said one prominent Democratic donor of Pritzker's words.

But Democrats who support the work of the media 527s say Obama's making a mistake. Progressive Media USA has aired anti-McCain television ads and developed a website intended to be a hub for negative information about McCain.

"Obama needs a baseline to the melody of his positive message," said a Democratic strategist who backs the group's aims...read on

Matt Stoller wrote a lengthy piece called: Obama's Consolidation of the Party.

And a follow up called: Reactions to Obama's Consolidation of the Party.

Obviously this is just hitting the blogosphere so it's still unclear what's really happening. It could be an overreaction or reality or a little of both. Planned Parenthood, NARAL, WVWV, VoteVets and many others could all be included in the defunding plan that would put funds into Obama's new infrastructure from what I'm hearing. I've also received information that Obama is only talking about the 527s and not about the outside groups. As soon as I hear anything on this I'll pass it on to you.

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