Matthews Rips Right Wing Talkie Kevin James Because He Doesn't Know Who Neville Chamberlain Is

President Bush made outrageous claims today in Israel, saying that Democrats were appeasers to Iran as you know since it's the hot topic of the day.

President Bush made outrageous claims today in Israel, saying that Democrats were appeasers to Iran as you know since it's the hot topic of the day. Right wing talker Kevin James tried to call Obama "Neville Chamberlain," but as is usually the case with these talk show conservative hosts, he knew nothing about the historical facts revolving around Chamberlain and what happened as Hitler took power and started a war with Europe. I guess just repeating RW talking points doesn't work sometimes.

Chris: You are BS'ing me... You don't know what you're talking about.

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Rough transcript:

Chris: I want to do a little history check on you---what did Neville Chamberlain do wrong in 1939? What did he do wrong?

Kevin: It all goes back to appeasement. It's the key term.

Chris: No, what did he do, tell me what he did?

Kevin: It's the key term.

Chris: You have to answer this question. What did he do?

Kevin: It's the same thing, it puts it all...

Chris: Well tell me what he did?

Kevin: It's appeasement.

Chris: What did Chamberlain do wrong..

Kevin: His actions, his actions enabled, energized, legitimized

Chris: What did Chamberlain do?

Kevin: It's the exact same thing.

Chris: No stop, Kevin. I'm not going to continue with this interview unless you answer what that thing is. What did Chamberlain do in '39, tell me? '38?

Kevin: Chris, it's the exact same thing alright?

Chris: What did he do? <Yelling> What did he do!

Kevin: '38, '39 Chris what year do you want?

Chris: What did he do?

I want you to answer, what did Chamberlain?

He's talking, He's talking about appeasement.

Chris: What did Chamberlain do, just tell me what he did, Kevin? What did Chamberlain do that you didn't like?

Kevin: What, what Chamberlain did? <confused> What, what, the President was talking about, you just said the President was talking about Barack. Look...

Chris: You're making a reference to the days before our involvement in WWII. When the war in Europe began. I want you to tell me as an expert, what did Chamberlain do wrong.

Kevin: You're not going to box me in here, Chris. President Bush was making that. I'm glad, I'm glad.

Chris: You don't know, do you? You don't know what Neville Chamberlain did

Kevin: Yeah, he was an appeaser, Chris....

Chris: You are BS'ing me... You don't know what you're talking about.

I couldn't transcribe anymore. It hurts. OK, this is too funny. Kevin, just say you don't know and move on. I think Matthews is a unstable most of the time, but occasionally he'll get something right.

Neville Chamberlain

Chamberlain's legacy is marked by his policy regarding the appeasement of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany with his signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding part of Czechoslovakia to Hitler. In the same year he also gave up the Irish Free State Royal Navy ports. Chamberlain was forced to resign the premiership on 10 May 1940, after Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

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