FOX News Rips McCain's Kenner Speech: Is Carl Cameron A Lefty Blogger Now?

FOX News reacted quite differently to McCain's speech last night in stark contrast to what Harold Ford thought. While he said it was McCain's most p

FOX News reacted quite differently to McCain's speech last night in stark contrast to what Harold Ford thought. While he said it was McCain's most powerful speech, Carl Cameron, Hume, Rove, Wallace and William the bloody Kristol thought it was awful. Will right wingers and the Bush administration attack Carl for sounding just like a left wing blog for pointing out McCain's deficiencies as a public speaker? Remember what Rove and Co. said about McClellan? He reads off the teleprompter, uses a weird smile when he looks at the audience and stumbles mightily.

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Cameron: ...he's just not as glitzy. Sen. McCain is working off a teleprompter, he's stumbles with it. Occasionally you'll see what looks to be an awkward smile as he tries to sort of connect to the audience, but it sometimes feels a little bit off. He recognizes it, the campaign recognizes it, the audience recognizes it.

Wallace: ...and I have to say sometimes when you're reading the speech along, the speech reads better than it sounds, sometimes it sounds better than it reads. I think we would agree this is a speech that was better on the printed page than it was coming from John McCain's mouth.

Rove: Yea, content better than delivery tonight.

Kristol: I've got to say however watching that speech, I don't think it was a successful speech by Sen. McCain and I think he came off as just snipping at Obama...

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