Alan Colmes Whips Up On Karl Rove Over War Powers/Detainees/habeas Corpus
Alan Colmes took on Karl Rove over Gitmo and habeas corpus rights. Wow, Rover certainly had a problem with the wingnut court he helped create. They a
The White House said Thursday that dangerous detainees at Guantanamo Bay could end up walking Main Street U.S.A. as a result of last month's Supreme Court ruling about detainees' legal rights. Federal appeals courts, however, have indicated they have no intention of letting that happen.
Colmes: This is a great decision that dates back to the Magna Carter and habeas corpus and refers back to....The constitution applies to persons not just citizens. That is in keeping with what the constitution says.
Rove: This is a ridiculous decision. This is not the criminal justice system, this is a WAR! With all due respect Alan.
When was war declared? Did Congress declare war?...It was not a declaration of war...
Colmes: If you want to go by the US constitution, don't they get to declare war?
Rove: If you feel that strongly, go get yourself an ACLU attorney. File a declaration in the court...
Colmes: If you're going by the Constitution...If you're a strict constructionist, habeas corpus is have to go through the Constitution...
Heather says:
He took on Rove over the detainees at Gitmo and the President's war powers tonight and pretty well put a big can of the whoop ass on He had Rove screaming at him before it was over and trying to talk over him. Colmes stood his ground against him.