Bill O’Reilly Says It’s All Liberal Policies That Have Destroyed America's Economy

BillO must have missed the last eight years of BushCo because he says that all our economic problems are the fault of the dirty f*&king hippies.

BillO must have missed the last eight years of BushCo because he says that all our economic problems are the fault of the dirty f*&king hippies. You see, O'Reilly asks: Is America a nation in decline? As if that's a legitimate question. You know the answer he's going to give. In his mind the media wants Obama elected and while most Americans aren't liberals they want a president that will look out for them. The gap in wealth throughout the land is due to liberal policies that have led to the collapse of our education system. You see it's all the kids fault since they can't read or write well enough to compete in the work place so Obama will set up a huge Welfare state that takes his money and give sit to us. Why, it's all so simple. Oh wait, when did they actually try to get a job?

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It's the media that says the nation is in decline and not the folks. Heck, I see them going on a record number of vacations, all the retail outlets are doing better than ever and SUV's are selling like hot cakes. Aren't they? Heck, Bush has only been in power since 2000 when Americans were doing pretty damn good and we weren't in a needless war, but who cares. Hey Bill, when was there Islamic fascism in Iraq? He says the military defeated it. Saddam was a secularist and I think we've been fighting an insurgency made up of many factions, but initially they largely consisted of Saddam's military that got kicked to the curb by Paul Bremmer. And yes, he brings up his favorite country of all---FRANCE. Who needs facts when you have The Factor.

As Logan wrote a few days ago in response to Lieberman on CBS:

I wonder if Joe read the GAO report released last month (PDF) that states that the surge isn’t going as well as he says it is? A little truthiness goes a long way with the uniformed American, and Joe has shown amazing talent in that area. SOME of the surge troops will be coming home this summer, but President Bush put a freeze on further troop withdrawals. This freeze is supposed to be temporary, but it’s not likely to be lifted before the November election. As for Iraqi reconciliation:

Has the Iraqi government followed through on its promises? Well, the GAO reports that while some legislation has been passed to restore Ba’ath Party members to government (although many have questioned the legitimacy of these efforts), give amnesty to some detainees and define provincial powers, on many of the larger, stickier issues, no progress has been made. The report notes that the Iraqi government has not enacted “important legislation for sharing oil resources or holding provincial elections” and that “[e]fforts to complete constitutional review have also stalled.” Read on…

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