Harold Ford: Barack Obama Is Running For The President Of The US, Not The President Of MoveOn.org, The President Of Any Liberal Group.

While addressing Obama's recent horrible poll numbers from Newsweek on the TODAY Show Monday morning, Harold Ford was asked if Obama's flip flopping

While addressing Obama's recent horrible poll numbers from Newsweek on the TODAY Show Monday morning, Harold Ford was asked if Obama's flip flopping on some issues had impacted those numbers and Ford--without provocation--attacked MoveOn and the entire liberal blogosphere for not being happy with his FISA vote. There was no need to criticize us, because we weren't part of the question she asked. So I can only conclude that Ford was referring to FISA and he took an opportunity to throw us all under the bus. I think there were a few other issues that we didn't even complain about. Why would Ford pull those attacks out of thin air? It's all to please the Villagers. That's why you're a loser, Harold.

Q: There's also a lot of accusations now about both campaigns about flip flopping, specifically against Obama about flip flopping? Do you think there's something going on, does Barack Obama have to worry now?

Ford: No....this race is fluid, this race is finally forming. Two things. Barack Obama is running for the President of the US, not the President of MoveOn.org, the President of any liberal group. He's running to lead, be a decision maker and a visionary for the country on the economy, national security and the immediate issue of Iraq.

I'd say McCain has flip flopped on many more positions than Obama has so the question is way off, which how a good Democrat should have responded, but beside that, what is Ford talking about? The country wants to move left. Check out all the numbers. Almost eight years of Bush have decimated the conservative movement and the economy, so people want a real change. Running as a liberal should be a goal to run towards, not a problem to move away from even if the media wants this race to be about personalities and not policies.

Here's a message to Ford: I want Obama to win the presidency very badly for all the obvious reasons, but I will not sit by idly while he allowed retroactive immunity to be passed. There was no need for that issue to even have been brought to the floor of Congress or for him to vote for it. He wasn't the only one to vote for it either, by the way. You can donate here to our Blue America page to help the cause. Is Jonathan Turley a dirty f*&king hippie too?

I'm sure you got the appropriate props from your media and DLC buddies for slipping that one in. Harold.

Email him here and ask why he went out of his way to attack us, but be gentle. You know how fragile he is .... harold@fordfortennessee.com

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