Scrub A Dub Dub: JohnMcCain.com Removes McCain Calling Himself "The One" From Website

(fixed) It looks like John McCain's people are at it again. They just released an attack ad against Obama trying to make him the anti-Christ and call

(fixed) It looks like John McCain's people are at it again. They just released an attack ad against Obama trying to make him the anti-Christ and calling Obama: The One. As they did with their "Celebrity" attack ad scrubbing on their website---it seems that they have scrubbed away John McCain saying that he is in fact: The One.

John McCain's Experience Sets Him Apart In The Presidential Field

John McCain: "The difference between me and Mayor Giuliani and Governor Romney [is that] I fought against the failed Rumsfeld-Casey strategy and advocated for the policy that is succeeding. I'm the one that did that. I'm the only one. And I said it in the summer of 2003, and I said it and I predicted that that strategy would fail because it was a terribly flawed strategy and I advocated the one that is succeeding now. That's based [on my] military experience from service for many years on the Armed Services Committee as well as in the military." (WKXL Concord, 9/4/07)

This is the first time I've seen the blogger "mithridates"

I decided to see if there are any references on McCain's site to himself as "the one", and lo and behold there's one page, but it's been deleted. Google has the cache though.

If it was no big deal to McCain---why the scrub? I may have to start a new category called McCain scrubbing.

UPDATE: (Nicole) Wow. McCain really does think he's the One.

Thursday, McCain called Debra Bartoshevich, the Racine County resident who lost her delegate seat at the Democratic National Convention for endorsing McCain instead of Obama, a "person of great courage" for endorsing him.

"Perhaps your reward will be in heaven - not here on Earth," McCain told Bartoshevich as he addressed the Civic Centre crowd.

So he thinks God is tallying up the delegate count and will reward those who vote for him?

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