Campbell Brown: Explain To Us Why You Think Gov. Palin Is Ready To Be Commander And Chief?

CNN's Campbell Brown ripped Tucker Bounds on Palin's national security experience in a way that was pretty stunning. Brown rightly notes that John M

CNN's Campbell Brown ripped Tucker Bounds on Palin's national security experience in a way that was pretty stunning. Brown rightly notes that John McCain's whole campaign revolves around national security and it would appear that Sarah is mighty thin when it comes to that topic. Does she instill any confidence in you if she was to take over the White House? My good friend georgia10 alerted me to this as soon as it aired, but I didn't have a chance to make the video. She's got a post up about Palin's AIP roots.

I'm asking about her foreign policy experience...

You're not answering my question...you set a different standard...

I've heard you guys say this a lot. Can you just tell me one decision that she made as commander and chief of the Alaskan National Guard, just one?

Give me one of those decisions, I'm just curious, just one decision she made in her capacity as commander and chief of the Alaskan National Guard.

Campbell, certainly you don't mean to belittle every experience, every judgment that she makes as commander of the National Guard.

I'm belittling nothing, I just want to know one judgment or one decision, I would love to know one decision was, I'm not belittling anything Tucker, I'm really not. I'm curious

Yea, She makes the decision as how to equip, how to command the National Guard of Alaska...

But Tucker, those are the Pentagon's decision, that's Gen. Petraeus, that's the White House. No Governor makes decisions about how to equip or deploy the National Guard---when they go to Iraq...

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