Barney Frank: Because Someone Hurt The Republicans Feelings They Decide To Punish The Country

During a press conference following the failure of the bailout bill, Barney Frank was asked about Republicans blaming Nancy Pelosi and a speech she

During a press conference following the failure of the bailout bill, Barney Frank was asked about Republicans blaming Nancy Pelosi and a speech she gave for it failing. Barney Frank fires back with his quick wit and humor and even gets laughs out of the press pool.

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Frank: "We don't believe they had the votes and I think they are covering up the embarrassment of not having the votes. But think about this: somebody hurt my feelings so I will punish the country. I mean that's hardly plausible. And there were twelve Republicans who were ready to stand up for the economic interest of America but not if anybody insulted them. I'll make an offer: Give me those twelve people's names and I will go talk uncharacteristically nicely to them and tell them what wonderful people they are, and maybe they'll now think about the country."


Earlier Ed Henry reported about Republicans blaming Democrats and said he couldn't find anything partisan in the speech given by Nancy Pelosi. The speech is available here and after going through it, I can't find anything that would be considered overly partisan in it.

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