John McCain: He Admits He 'Didn't Change Republican Minds' On The Bail Out
This is one of those moments when the unexpected comes out of nowhere. Of all places FOX & Friends announced to Sen. McCain that Sen, Obama had
This is one of those moments when the unexpected comes out of nowhere. Of all places FOX & Friends announced to Sen. McCain that Sen, Obama had led the way on asking to increase the FDIC program up to 250K and what was HE going to do....And it gets better....
Q: Barack Obama already has a proposal to revive negotiations. He wants to increase the amount of money guaranteed by the FDIC of 100 to 250K . What would Sen, John McCain do? Well let's ask him. Sen. McCain, your serve. Barack Obama has made a bold move.
(Silence and blinking from McCain) McCain: Uh, I, I uhhh talked with the President this morning....
He looked like he was not prepared for that. And then he was forced to admit that he did not save the day when he suspended his campaign last Thursday and went to DC to whip the Republicans to vote for the bail out. He was supposed to be the savior.
Q: So Senator are you saying that you went back to get more Republicans on board so then you are in favor of voting yes yesterday. And in essence then going back...
McCain: Oh, Absolutely.
Q: OK, well then going back last week---did not change enough Republicans minds.
McCain: No, it didn't change enough Republican minds. We're going to have to change enough Republican and Democrats minds...
So McCain is not in control of his party. I guess Newt Gingrich really is running things over there.
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported this morning that conservatives may have been taking their marching orders from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who “was whipping against this up until the last minute” — despite issuing a statement supporting the bill as the vote was taking on
That's very scary for a number of reasons...